Friday, October 8, 2010

What do you tote?

Recently I've experienced a sore shoulder and neck. One reason is the weight of my purse. A Chicago Tribune article showed these results when 48 purses were weighed on August 24 outside Tribune Tower.

* 6 lbs. average bag weight
* 5 participants complaining of back pain
* 8 lbs. heaviest single purse without laptop
* 20.4 lbs. heaviest total load
* 2.9 lbs. lightest single purse
* 9 women claiming to have just cleaned out their purse
Why do I carry all my cards, coupons, 4 shades of lipstick, and those just in case items like a swiss army knife? It's time to lighten my load and keep it simple.

This physical example of bearing unnecessary weight, just in case you need it, applies to the metaphysical as well. What beliefs, stories we tell ourselves, bear down on us unnecessarily? What pain to you tote on your shoulders like a backpack of security? Is it the pain of your divorce keeping you from committing to a new relationship? Is it the fear of past failure slowing your pace toward new adventures? Is it the judgment you received in one religious community holding you back from exploring a new spiritual community?

Consider lightening up your life. Start with the physical - clean out your purse, desk, house and simplify. Then, motivated by this physical environment ease into the deeper emotional and spiritual burdens that weigh down your shoulders and back. Begin with a few simple questions and go from there:
What do I want?
What do I need?
What do I believe?
What can I change?

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