Thursday, July 10, 2008

Summer Vacation

Lately I've been super busy with work and happy to catch up on movies or TV reruns when I have gotten home. I haven't wanted to get "too serious" while the sun was shining and the days had finally warmed up.

Yet life won't take a vacation. I have family and friends dealing with health concerns, money runs short each month, and questions loom overhead about the future.

I once heard a comparison between life and a guitar. The strings of a guitar need a balanced tension to play in tune. Strung too tight they'll break, strung too loose they won't play. Kept tense, yet in-tune, the musician can play a beautiful song. I strive to stay in tune so the Great Musician can play a beautiful song with my life, or at least have fun rocking out. I've decided to be thankful for the tensions in my life, yet I'm not taking it too seriously.

Rock on my friends.