Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Jesus Take the Wheel

Check out this song, fellow worriers.

Worry Not

Lately I've been hit with a case of worries. In the Bible, Matthew 6:24-34, Jesus says, "Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?"
I know that 97% of the things we worry about never happen. I know that one can only do what they can and the rest is out of our control. But I want to be in control and stop the stuff that worries me from messing up my life. Awe what a fool I am.
Life is messy. Things happen, plans change, the unexpected decimates all our expectations and we are lost. We disappoint ourselves and make mistakes we don't understand. We can be so wrong when we think we are so right. We have ideals that are disregarded and abandoned by those we trusted. People, things, institutions we always thought would hold strong and carry us through crumble, die, or change into something we don't recognize. It's true we've got plenty to worry about and the command "Don't worry" sounds perplexing. Yet the command isn't about guilting us for worrying or being concerned about the future. It is a reminder to consider where and what we place our focus upon and set as priorities.

If you are finding the connection with God, trusting God, is a bit leary right now, try keeping things simple. Maybe a prayer like this:
Jesus, I'm hurting, Nothing is working the way I expected. I don't know who or what to trust anymore. I'm not even sure about you. But I hear you're sure about me. I open my heart to the change you promise. I'm taking my hands off the wheel now. Amen