Thursday, April 3, 2008

Faith in Tragedy

Last night I happened to catch the 12:30am edition of Oprah. Her guests were the families behind the mistaken identity case in Indiana. A van of college students and faculty were hit by a semi that had loss control. Five people were killed. One survivor was mistaken for another girl who had died and the two families lived accordingly with this mistake for five weeks. The families have written a book about their experience called Mistaken Identity.

When Oprah asked how these two families could be so forgiving in light of the fact that they had each thought their child had lived or died only to find the opposite was true, the fathers spoke for their families. They said it was their faith that got them through. They believed in Jesus Christ and that death was not the end of the story, that a resurrected Christ gave them hope and strength to endure the trials that come their way. These families have an odd and special connection and a common faith helped them to work through this together.

I am thankful through all the trials I've known that I've had a practice and discipline of prayer and faith to keep me going and hold me up. I knew what these families were talking about. Sadly not everyone does and it all probably sounded unbelievable. But faith is real and prayer is powerful.

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